What to Wear for a Headshot Photo
As soon as you schedule you're session you're probably wondering what to wear for a headshot photo. Learn what looks best in a close up photo here.
As soon as you schedule your session you're probably wondering what to wear for a headshot photo. Choosing the right look for your headshot is the key to creating a photo you'll love. Good clothing choices also determine how long you'll be able to use your new headshot.
Learn what looks best before your close up photo here.
The Professional
If you're a business professional, you're probably wondering what to wear for a headshot. We're here to help with a guide to help you present yourself best for work headshots.
News Flash: People who view your LinkedIn profile or business website don't want to imagine you outside of work. So feel free to keep your personal style there, but keep it as a footnote to whatever professional persona you'd like to present.
Clients want to imagine that you wear whatever it is you wear to do business, all the time. They don't want to look at your business headshot and instantly imagine what you do on weekends.
On a side note, be sure to make a separate social media account for all your business dealings, and keep your personal profile private. This probably goes without saying now, but there have been many high profile careers ruined by people who have made that simple mistake.
Nobody wants to see you at your bro's bachelor party.
You should look like a "stand up guy" or lady. Especially if you're managing someone's 401k or helping them make a real estate purchase that they'll be stuck with for the next 10 years.
You should aim to look professional, approachable, and trustworthy. Don't go for anything too flashy or obnoxious. Keep jewelry and watch choices tasteful.
Professional photos count. Don't ask a loved one to take a cell phone photo and hope for the best. Your business headshot is your first impression.
Your business headshot is the deciding factor in calling you or calling someone else. Talk to your photographer about how to put your business in the best light with a great work headshot.
Swipe Right: Dating Profiles
Wondering why you aren't getting matched as often as you deserve to? The answer may be in that all-important first photo they view of you.
If you're wondering how to dress for headshots that aren't representing your professional persona, we're here to help too.
Having a professionally take photo instant ups the ante on your profile. Clear non-grainy photos (that weren't take ten years ago) are important. They can't get to know and love you for your amazing personality without clearing the all-important attraction standard first.
Don't try too hard. Ladies, you can go a little heavier on your everyday makeup look for the photoshoot. This is because cameras using a flash often wash out makeup. Take this tip with a grain of salt though, this isn't a license to pile it on or wear colors you usually wouldn't!
The Best Colors to Wear Headshots
Regardless of why you're taking a headshot, these color rules universally apply. When selecting colors for your headshot, here are some concepts to keep in mind.
Don't Wear Nude
Whatever your skin tone shade may be, don't select any clothing items that are within a few shades of your skin tone! This can give wash out your photo. Worse perhaps is the possibility that you can create the illusion that you aren't dressed.
Stay Away from Patterns
Patterns can prove to be very distracting in your headshot. Opt instead for solid color tops, ties, and dresses for your shoot.
Patterns can also make your photo look dated. Photographers agree if you're looking to get a great shot that you can use for a long time, stick to 'classic and clean' styles. You're certain to get a photo you'll love for a long time!
The Best Colors to Wear Headshots
Certain colors are favored over others. 'Mid-tone' colors like wine and purples aren't universally flattering.
Black is nice but can sometimes seem unappealing. Dark tones like charcoal, chocolate, forest green, and navy blue can be great swaps.
If you're feeling adventurous, go for a jewel tone. You can pick what jewel tone gots best by choosing a color that accents your hair or eyes.
The Best Necklines to Wear for Headshots
V necks are always a good choice for ladies as they elongate the neck. As a rule, stay away from anything too boxy or buttoned up.
When selecting a v-neck, be sure to pick one that isn't too low. V-necks that are too low can be distracting or unprofessional looking.
What to Wear for a Headshot: Get Ready for Your Closeup
When in doubt, be sure to bring multiple choices and let the photographer help you select your best look. Finding a photographer who experienced taking headshot is crucial. Wedding photographers, for example, spend the majority of their time creating an entirely different look. Their shots are likely shot mostly with natural light or location at a church or reception hall.
Experienced headshot photographers can always get a great shot outdoors but are skilled in creating indoor studio looks that look and feel professional. They will often have multiple backdrops you can use as well. When selecting your best look, this experience is very helpful because they know what photographs best and can help you pose correctly (and appropriately!) for your shot.
The Winning Shot
Don't let a poorly taken photo bring down the value of your business. Don't continue to let a dimly lit bathroom selfie determine rather or not you meet the love of your life.
Now that you know what to wear for a headshot, give yourself the gift of a great new profile photo. A great photo is a key to a whole new world of interactions.
For a photo, you love, make an appointment online or schedule a time to speak with a headshot pro today!